Saturday, February 05, 2011

SEO Software Guide - How to Pick The Right One

SEO software - most businesses are using it to great effect. Increasing their own website ranking, monitoring progress and checking out competitors are all part of the package. But who do you choose which one is right for you?

Here is your personal SEO software guide with important aspects to consider when making your choice.

Does it have the best tools?

Are you getting constant updates and refinements? Is your software keeping up to date with the changes that take part in the search engines? Google alone made over 400 changes to its algorithm last year that's more than one change per day!

Consider testimonials and reviews

What kind of businesses are working with these SEO tools? Are they big businesses and corporates whose digital marketing managers are using it? Or are they internet and affiliate marketers sitting at home and monitoring their sites? You know your requirements best, so finding out whether their existing clients are like you, will help you decide whether the software is right.

Supporting material

Does you chosen software have appropriate supporting material? Whether there is a manual, a guide or video tutorials, the more supporting material is available the better. Also consider your learning style - if you hate to read and their learning material is based on one hundred pages of text it's not much use to you if you don't read it.


What are the price ranges available for your SEO tool and how does it fit in with other software? Do you pay monthly, quarterly, or is it simply a one-off payment? As a general guideline, a cheap tool often won't be able to deliver quality results in the long-run. You need to remember that there has been a lot of research and development put into this tool to deliver the best results. So a price around the $500 mark would be considered normal for a good quality tool.

Approved by search engines?

Some SEO tools use shady methods to achieve high rankings. These are often called 'black hat' or 'grey hat' techniques. It can be difficult for beginners to know what is approves SEO behaviour (called 'white hat techniques') and which SEO tools could get you banned for using illegal ranking or link building efforts.


Does your chosen software tool have a money-back guarantee or even a ranking guarantee? This is a great assurance to have, whether you simply do not like the user interface of the chosen tool, or you're not one hundred percent certain of it's deliver, with a guarantee you don't have the same pressure or spending your precious budget.

You can see more SEO software reviews and claim your free trial of Internet Business

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